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Friday, January 25, 2019

The Cow

Hello dear all learners, welcome to my nest learning episode. Today I will write on the easy on "The Cow." We know the cow is the most faithful and domestic animal in the world. So We Love the cows. Today I will say about the cow. 

The cow is domestic animal.  The cow is a useful animal for us. The cow has four legs, two eyes, two ears etc. It is very important to a farmer. because he plough his land with the cow. The gives us milks. The farmer cultivate with the cow. The cows are various colors in the world.
If you farming the cows, you will earn a lot of money to sell the cow. The cows are feeds all the grasses from the fields.
The birth one or two cuffs every year. The cows are seen all over the world. So we can collect a cow easily and but it in low price.
The is calm animal but sometimes it is very hungry and angry to the people. If any one can make cow firm he can earn a lot money from the cows. Cow milk is very delicious to us. Cow dung is the best fertilizer for a farmer. 
If we faring the cows, we can be established in the short time. So we should farming the cows. If you farming the Australian cows, it will give a lot of milk everyday. More than 50/60 KG per day. The price of milk is 60 Taka per KG. That's a large amount of money you will earn every month. The cow dang is the best fertilizer in the field, If you have 10/12 cows, you will sell a lot of cow dang every month and from that you will earn huge money from that. Dry cow dang is used as a fuel in the village to the woman. Because most of the village woman cooks their food with the dry cow dang. So if you have a lot of cow dang you will sell that and will earn a lot of money.
So we should make sure that we will start farm the cows from today.

The cow has more benefits. If you have more than 5/6 bull cow, you will plouging the land easily. Because the has good energy for that. Most the farmers has used the cow as that.
There are many successful person in our village who have farming the cows and make their carrier with this cow farming profession. They earn a lot of money with profession. Because cow farming is low cost business. So any one can make a cow farm and farm a number of cows. If you want to start the cow farming you will need some money at first. And then you increase your farm with income of that cows. You will get the foods of the cows every where. In the village has a lot of green grasses. You will cut that grasses and your cows will feed that green grasses. You will buy that grasses with small price. So you can buy that grasses easily and this is the great way to make life easy to stay in the village.

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