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Monday, January 28, 2019


Welcome to the learners of class six, seven and eight. This is lesson is on the topic of Application.
All this applications are for the class Six, Seven and Eight.

Application No 1 : Write an application to your headmaster for full free studentship.
28 March 2016
The Headmaster, Khulna Public Collage, Khulna
Boyra, Khulna, GPO 9000
Sub : Prayer for a full-free studentship.
Dear Sir,
This is to humbly inform you that I am a student of class Eight of your esteemed school. I let you know that I am from a poor family. My father is peasant. He is totally dependent on agriculture. But my father has not enough land. And he is the only earning member in my family. Besides he has to maintain a large family consistence of eight members. In his critical circumstance, he is quietly enable to bear my educational expenses.
In this connection I beg to add that I have been reading your school for last two years. I stood second in the last annual examination and was promoted to class eight. i don't get any kind of financial help from any other source.
So I therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind to grant me a full-free studentship and thus give me chance prosecuting my studies further.
I remain Sir,
Your Most Obedient Pupils

Application No 2
Suppose, the income of your guardian is very poor. He is quite unable to bear your educational expenses. Write an application to your Headmaster for financial help from the poor fund of the school.
Ans ::
25 June, 2018
The Headmaster
Khulna Navy Shcool & Collage, Khulna,
Khulna, GPO 9000
Subject :: Prayer for financial help from the poor fund.
Dear Sir,
With due respect, I beg to state that my father is a mere clerk in a government office. His monthely income is meagre. He has to maintain a family consisting of six members. He is the only earning member in our family. Besides I have two school going brother and sister. So it is quite impossible for my father to bear my educational expenses. But I am determined to prosecute my studies.
In this critical circumstance, I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to provide me with necessary financial help from the poor fund of the school.
I remain
Your most obedient Pupil,
Class -Eight

Application No 3
Imagine, your school has won the final football match of inter-school district tournament. You want to celebrate the victory and for this you need one day holiday. Now write an application to the Headmaster of your school for one day's holiday.
15 January, 2019
The Headmaster
Khalishpur School
Khalishpur, Khulna
Subject : Prayer for a day's holiday.
Dear Sir,
With due respect we beg to state that our school has won the final football match of inter-school district tournament, 2018. It is a glory for our school. We want to enjoy and celebrate the victory.
We therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to declare tomorrow a holiday so that we may celebrate the victory successfully in befitting manner.
We remain
Yours most obedient Pupil.
Khalishpur School. Khulna.

Application No 4
Study tour is always pleasant and educative. Now write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for permission to go on a study tour.
Ans : :
29 January, 2019
The Headmaster
Khulna Girls High School, Khulna.
Subject :: Prayer for permission to make a study tour.
Dear Sir,
With profound respect, I, on behalf of the students of class eight of your esteemed school, beg to inform you that we have completed our annual examination and now we are free. Our new classes are yet to be started. Now we want to go on an excursion to Cox's Bazar.We think that Cox's Bazar is a historical place of importance where nature has given all her beauties. The world's largest sea-beach is in Cox's Bazar. Thousands of tourists come here to enjoy sea-bath and most beautiful sunset. Our English teacher has given his kind contest to lead the party. Now we need your kind permission to arrange such a party.
So, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit in this regard and oblige thereby.
Yours obediently,
Roll -4
On behalf of the student of class VIII.

Application No 5
Suppose you are Rahim. Your elder sister's marriage ceremony is going to be held on the 25th August. You won't be able to attend the school for five day's leave. Now write an application to your Headmaster praying for five days in advance.

20 August, 2018
The Headmaster
Khulna High School, Khulna
Subject :: Prayer for leave in advance.
Dear Sir,
With due respect I beg to state that my elder sister's marriage ceremony is going to be held on the 25th August, 2018.
Since I'm the only son of my parents I have to be at home continuously for making necessary arrangements for our guests. I shall have to issue invitation cards among the relatives and guests. I shall have also to make necessary purchases and help my father in making necessary preprations for the ceremony.
So, I pray and hope that you would kindly grant me leave for five days with effect from the 22th to 26th August, 2018.
I remain
Your most obedient pupil
Class -IX
Science Group.

Application No 6
Suppose, your father is a government employee who has been recently transferred from Chottogram to Dhaka. Now write an application to Headmaster of a high school in Dhaka for admission.
20 January, 2018
The Headmaster
Dhaka Laboratory High School
Subject : Prayer for admission

Dear Sir,
This is to humbly inform you that I was a student of Chottogram Collegiate School in class VIII. Last year I passed the annual examination securing 75% marks on an average. My father who is a government officer has recently been transferred from Chottogram to Dhaka. Our family has also been shifted to our present residence which is very close to your school.
I enclose herewith the transfer certificate and the progress report. I shall deposit the necessary fees if you kindly consider my admission.
Your obediently,
Science Group

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